The Sacramento Nazarene Missions International is a part of the Nazarene Church World Wide. This site is designed to keep those in the Sacramento District informed on all things missions related.

Upcoming Events, Studies, Classes and Groups

Click on the registration link for the class or group you’re interested in participating in below and submit your registration form.

Friday, April 9, 6:30-8pm

An action packed night for all 5th & 6th graders full of "minute to win it" games, with tons of prizes and snacks. INVITE A FRIEND! Click HERE to register.

5-LOVE LANGUAGES Marriage Class,
Wednesday, April 21 & 28, 7-8pm, Portable #1 or via Zoom

This two-week class will be held in Portable #1 as well as online via Zoom. We can have 5 couples in person and additional couples can join us via Zoom!

Learning the 5 Love Languages will sustain your marriage and enhance your relationships! You'll learn the purpose of each "language" and learn how to "speak" to your spouse, kids, co-workers, and friends. Register HERE.

Sunday, May 2, 12:30-2pm, Fellowship Hall

For all current ushers and those who wish to explore serving on our Sunday usher teams, please plan to attend this important training meeting. Lunch will be served, so to help us better prepare we ask that you register you attendance HERE.

June 28 - July 1, 5:30-8:15pm

Now taking registrations for this year’s Vacation Bible School. Children kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to join us on Mystery Island as we track down the One True God. Cost is $10 per child. Click HERE to register.


Moms (with any school-aged children), are you looking for a support group? Join MOPS/MOMSnext for laughs, crafts, games, deep talks and “Mom” encouragement. 

Our meetings are held on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 6-7:30pm, September-May beginning Thursday, September 3, Patio Courtyard. Contact: Liz Hammond at 209.663.0298 or email, liz_gaydon@yahoo.com

Cost of Event Registration:
MOPS International Dues $31.95
Faith Community Dues $25 for each semester (2).
You may pay $25 for first semester only or pay $50 for the entire year.
CLICK HERE to be directed to the registration page.


If you have ever thought about volunteering in a ministry or area, now is the time. Please CLICK HERE to see the volunteer positions that are currently available. We would love to hear from you and get you plugged in! Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration.