Welcome - Ways you can give
We believe in the power of generosity, what it does for the individual doing the giving, and for the purpose that the giving supports. You don’t give to Faith; you give through faith.
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ∼ Matthew 6:21
Here are 5 easy, safe and secure ways to give:
1. Check or Cash in the offering plate on Sudays
2. On-line through MyFC, see links below
3. Text the word “Give” to 209-691-9716
4. Through the U.S. mail service - P.O. Box 1495, Lodi, CA 95241-1495
5. Stock Investment Account Transfer (contact the office for account info.)
Login to My FC – Click here.
Give without a MyFC login – Click here.
Complete your information, payment and giving amount.
Both are safe, secure ways to give either a one-time or repeating gift
via a checking account, debit, or credit card.
For a short instructional video about how to give through MyFC, CLICK HERE.
Yes, giving is as easy as sending a text message on your mobile device.
Simple text the word “GIVE” along with any dollar amount to: 209-691-9716.
Follow the prompts for a one-time set-up of your contact and debit/credit information.
Be reassured that it’s safe and secure.
To make future giving even more convenient, save the above phone number in your contact list.
You can give from anywhere, anytime. It’s that simple!
DURING THE SERVICE: Drop cash or a check in one of the offering boxes located at the entrance to the Sanctuary or at the exit to the patio .
U.S. MAIL SERVICE: Mail to Faith Community, P.O. Box 1495, Lodi, CA 95241-1495.
AMAZON SMILE: Do you ever order online from Amazon? The next time you do Click Here, and use the AmazonSmile rewards program and you will earn 0.5% cash back rewards for your qualifying purchases to Faith Community.
UNITED WAY: If you give through the United Way at work, you can designate your gifts for Faith Community. Call the office at 209.333.7089 to obtain our legal name and Tax ID.